Welcome LETB!! Always happy to have people join my camp (non-JW). I agree 100% regarding young people leaving. They are the ones the we should be the most concerned about. It's unfair and cruel to rob them of their time, goals, dreams; their entire life.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Leaving story
by leavingeverythingbehind ini've been following this forum for a couple of years now, but it's only just now that i've decided to register.
it's been quite a long and strenous process leaving the org, having been borned and raised in and spent so much time in.
i'm so gratefull there's the internet these days which helps new people find their way out of this and other religions.
never a jw
Young People Ask: I’m Attracted to the Same Sex—Does That Mean I’m Gay?
by pale.emperor ineurgh!
more patronizing and uninformed reasoning from the "experts" at bethel.
this time tackling the sensitive subject of those attracted the the same sex.
never a jw
Through my biology classes in school, I learned that during the adolescent years, hormone levels can fluctuate greatly.
Are you kidding me? My hormones and libido in my adolescence stayed very high all the time, no fluctuation. And if my male friends were telling the truth, they too were horny all the time. Today, at 52, I may have to make a mental effort to get aroused, but back in my teen years no mental efforts got it down. I had to use physical violence to get it down.
2.16.2017 NJ Star-Ledger Ad: "Were you sexually abused by the Jehovahs Witnesses?"
by breakfast of champions inmy wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
never a jw
They have plenty of capital in real estate that gradually will be liquidated as they lose membership. It seems that their real estate investment will slowly be transferred to law firms, counseling services, and victims.
2017 can be considered the "1799" of Charles T. Russell. He was off by 218 years.
A Mathematic Perspective on Evolution
by Saethydd ini would like to apologize in advance if any of my information on the biology side of this discussion is incorrect, because unfortunately it is not my strongest scientific subject on account of my being subtly encouraged to view it with distrust.. i've recently debated the of subject of evolution with my father, i made the argument that when viewed over several million years random mutation provides a more than adequate explanation for humans having evolved from a common ancestor with chimpanzees.
then he got this derisive look on his face a waved his hand saying "evolution's explanation for everything is the amount of time involved.".
so i decided i would examine this mathematically.
never a jw
You may be missing that it takes two to tango. So through sexual reproduction the parents (two) bring their own individual inherited mutations and add another 10. 2x10+10 =30. The offspring actually gets 30 mutations, not 10
Sisters as Ministerial Servants?
by Spoletta inmy wife has been trying to convince me that the organization is hinting at the possibility of making some older sisters ministerial servants.
she is awake to a lot of the false doctrines, but is still clinging to the hope that the org may become more progressive in the future.
anyone else pick up on this?
never a jw
the qualities that are referenced in Timothy and Titus.
Regarding women, the only qualities Jehovah cares about are referenced in Numbers 31:17-18. Women should have their hymen intact. Otherwise, kill them all.
ARC Analysis Summary of Case Files
by Richard Oliver ini have been doing research on the arc as some people on here have suggested.
i find it interesting on the case file analysis some of the findings.
it looks like queensland and new south wales had the biggest problems with this.
never a jw
You are missing the point or you pretend to be missing the point. The big problem is not how many elders or ministerial servants were guilty of child abuse. The point is that the Watchtower knew about all these cases (1006) and chose to do nothing, leaving the perpetrator unpunished and free to strike again
Wife is Awake
by freemindfade infollowing the news of stuckinarut2, over the past few months my wife has completely mentally woken up.
i've been meaning to post but haven't had the time.
i saw stuckins post and i figured i'd add my news too.
never a jw
Great news! A big hug to your wife.
Keep them coming!
Child abuse files. Request to return files before litigation
by sp74bb ina group of former jw in spain has decided to request through law the return to any file regarding child abuse.
an official request has been sent today and a copy of this one has been copied to the ministry of justice and other government officials.. starting jan 16, we expect to get our request and receive the confidential files regarding our sexual abuse years ago.. we will keep you posted !.
never a jw
Great! It's only fair and right to have your own files. Great idea! i hope it spreads
One Big Family... Except For When You Need Them
by pale.emperor inwhen i was in, we all used to claim us jw's were "one big family" all around the world, and how we're the happiest people on the earth.
except that isnt true is it?
i knew that when i was in, but i've just had some news which shows me how unloving, uncaring and un-family like they really are.. my ex-best friend (he has to shun me doesn't he?
never a jw
i'd like to help them to get out of this rut. Even if it was anonymously.
That's easy to do. Put cash in an envelope, write their name on it and slide it under their door..The big problem is that there's no recognition for those deeds and our egos always struggle with that.
COs are like parrots, can’t handle questions of dynamic nature!
by anointed1 inwhen i was a zealous publisher, once i took co for a return visit to learn how he handles difficult questions.
house holder brought the subject of joshua secretly sending two spies to spy out the city of jericho before its planned conquest, and asked: “wasn’t joshua acting in a human way here?
why would joshua need to send spies if he was the commander-in-chief appointed by god the almighty?”.
never a jw
I only met one who I felt wasn't a big disappointment.
I did too. He was humble enough to admit that he didn't have a good answer to the question
Why does the Watchtower write "Samuel" (with quotation marks) in 1 Samuel 28:12-20 (when Saul talks to the ghost of Samuel)?
He was also a great speaker. Children and adults were entertained while they learned Watchtower doctrines. His name was Samuel Izquierdo, a Cuban born residing in the U.S.